pyFAI.gui.utils package

pyFAI.gui.utils.FilterBuilder module

This module provides helper to build filter descriptions.

class pyFAI.gui.utils.FilterBuilder.FilterBuilder

Bases: object

Helper to create extension filters for file dialog


List of compressed file extension supported by fabio by default.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

addFileFormat(description, extensions)

Add a file format to the filters

  • description (str) – Description of the file format
  • extensions (Union[str,List]) – Description of the file format
addImageFormat(description, extensions, compressedExtensions=True)

Add an image format to the filters

  • description (str) – Description of the file format
  • extensions (Union[str,List]) – Description of the file format
  • compressedExtensions (bool) – Includes derived compressed files like gz and bz2.

Returns the filters as supported by qt.QFileDialog.setNameFilters().

Return type:List[str]

pyFAI.gui.utils.ProxyAction module

class pyFAI.gui.utils.ProxyAction.CustomProxyAction(parent, source)

Bases: pyFAI.gui.utils.ProxyAction.ProxyAction

Create a QAction synchronized with a source action.

Some properties of the source can be overrided.

__init__(parent, source)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Override the iconText of the the source action.

Property can be removed by using None. In this case the text set back using the sourceAction.


Override the text of the the source action.

Property can be removed by using None. In this case the text set back using the sourceAction.

setIconText(self, str)
setText(self, str)
class pyFAI.gui.utils.ProxyAction.ProxyAction(parent, source)

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction

Create a QAction synchronized with a source action.

This allow to intercept all the gettes and setters by inheritance.

__init__(parent, source)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


pyFAI.gui.utils.colorutils module


Returns a list of 10 colors in range not covered by colormap.

Return type:List[qt.QColor]

pyFAI.gui.utils.eventutils module

This module provides convenient functions about Qt events.

class pyFAI.gui.utils.eventutils.QtProxifier(target)

Bases: silx.gui.qt._qt.QObject

Provide a safe Qt object from an unsafe object.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

class pyFAI.gui.utils.eventutils.SimulatedSignal

Bases: object

Simulated signal to create signal at runtime.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

emit(*args, **kwargs)

Create a Qt close signal to the widget as sigClosed attribute


Create a Qt hidden signal to the widget as sigHidden attribute


Create a Qt shown signal to the widget as sigShown attribute

pyFAI.gui.utils.imageutils module

This module provides convenient functions to use with Qt objects.


Convert an array-like RGB888 image to a QImage.

The created QImage is using a copy of the array data.

Limitation: Only supports RGB888 and RGBA8888 format.

Parameters:image (numpy.ndarray of uint8 of dimension HxWx3) – Array-like image data
Returns:Corresponding Qt image
Return type:QImage
pyFAI.gui.utils.imageutils.maskArrayToRgba(mask, falseColor, trueColor)

Returns an RGBA uint8 numpy array using colors to map True (usually masked pixels) and Flase (valid pixel) from the mask array.

pyFAI.gui.utils.projecturl module

Module with GUI for diffraction mapping experiments


Returns the URL to the documentation

pyFAI.gui.utils.timeutils module

This module provides convenient functions about time.

class pyFAI.gui.utils.timeutils.Timer(seconds)

Bases: object

Kind of context manager to call a code while the amount of seconds is not finished.

timer = Timer(seconds=10)
while not timer.isTimeout():

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Returns True if the timeout was reached.

pyFAI.gui.utils.tree module

Module with list <-> tree conversion

class pyFAI.gui.utils.tree.DataSet(path, h5=None, nframes=None, shape=None)

Bases: object

__init__(path, h5=None, nframes=None, shape=None)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return True if the object is hdf5


alias of pyFAI.gui.utils.tree.DataSet

class pyFAI.gui.utils.tree.ListDataSet

Bases: list


Convert the list into a tree

Parameters:sep – separator in the filenames
Returns:Root of the tree
Returns:common directory

pyFAI.gui.utils.units module

class pyFAI.gui.utils.units.Dimentionality

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ANGLE = 'Angle'
LENGTH = 'Length'
PIXEL = 'Pixel'
SCATTERING_VECTOR = 'Scattering vector'
WAVELENGTH = 'Wavelength'
class pyFAI.gui.utils.units.Unit

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

ANGSTROM = (('Ångström', 'Å', <Dimentionality.WAVELENGTH: 'Wavelength'>, 1),)
CENTIMETER = (('Centimeter', 'cm', <Dimentionality.LENGTH: 'Length'>, 1),)
DEGREE = (('Degree', 'deg', <Dimentionality.ANGLE: 'Angle'>, 1),)
ENERGY = (('Energy', 'keV', <Dimentionality.WAVELENGTH: 'Wavelength'>, -1),)
INV_ANGSTROM = (('Inverse Ångström', 'Å⁻¹', <Dimentionality.SCATTERING_VECTOR: 'Scattering vector'>, 1),)
INV_NANOMETER = (('Inverse nanometer', 'nm⁻¹', <Dimentionality.SCATTERING_VECTOR: 'Scattering vector'>, 1),)
METER = (('Meter', 'm', <Dimentionality.LENGTH: 'Length'>, 1),)
METER_WL = (('Meter', 'm', <Dimentionality.WAVELENGTH: 'Wavelength'>, 1),)
MILLIMETER = (('Millimeter', 'mm', <Dimentionality.LENGTH: 'Length'>, 1),)
PIXEL = (('Pixel', 'px', <Dimentionality.PIXEL: 'Pixel'>, 1),)
RADIAN = (('Radian', 'rad', <Dimentionality.ANGLE: 'Angle'>, 1),)
get_units = <bound method Unit.get_units of <enum 'Unit'>>
pyFAI.gui.utils.units.convert(value, inputUnit, outputUnit)

pyFAI.gui.utils.unitutils module

pyFAI.gui.utils.unitutils.from2ThRad(twoTheta, unit, wavelength=None, directDist=None, ai=None)
pyFAI.gui.utils.unitutils.tthToRad(twoTheta, unit, wavelength=None, directDist=None)

Convert a two theta angle from original unit to radian.

directDist = ai.getFit2D()[“directDist”]

pyFAI.gui.utils.validators module

class pyFAI.gui.utils.validators.AdvancedDoubleValidator(parent=None)

Bases: pyFAI.gui.utils.validators.DoubleValidator

Validate double values and provides features to allow or disable other things.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Allow the field to be empty. Default is false.

An empty field is represented as a None value.

Parameters:allow (bool) – New state.
setIncludedBound(minBoundIncluded, maxBoundIncluded)

Allow the include or exclude boundary ranges. Default including both boundaries.


Convert the input string into an interpreted value

Parameters:value (object) – Input object
Return type:str

Convert the input string into an interpreted value

Parameters:text (str) – Input string
Return type:Tuple[object,bool]
Returns:A tuple containing the resulting object and True if the string is valid
validate(inputText, pos)

Reimplemented from QDoubleValidator.validate.

Allow to provide an empty value.

  • inputText (str) – Text to validate
  • pos (int) – Position of the cursor
class pyFAI.gui.utils.validators.DoubleValidator(parent=None)

Bases: PyQt5.QtGui.QDoubleValidator

Double validator with extra feature.

The default locale used is not the default one. It uses locale C with RejectGroupSeparator option. This allows to have consistant rendering of double using dot separator without any comma.

QLocale provides an API to support or not groups on numbers. Unfortunatly the default Qt QDoubleValidator do not filter out the group character in case the locale rejected it. This implementation reject the group character from the validation, and remove it from the fixup. Only if the locale is defined to reject it.

This validator also allow to type a dot anywhere in the text. The last dot replace the previous one. In this way, it became convenient to fix the location of the dot, without complex manual manipulation of the text.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Remove group characters from the input text if the locale is defined to do so.

Parameters:inputText (str) – Text to validate

Convert the input string into an interpreted value

Parameters:value (object) – Input object
Return type:str

Convert the input string into an interpreted value

Parameters:text (str) – Input string
Return type:Tuple[object,bool]
Returns:A tuple containing the resulting object and True if the string is valid
validate(inputText, pos)

Reimplemented from QDoubleValidator.validate.

  • inputText (str) – Text to validate
  • pos (int) – Position of the cursor
class pyFAI.gui.utils.validators.IntegerAndEmptyValidator

Bases: PyQt5.QtGui.QIntValidator

Validate double values or empty string.


Convert the input string into an interpreted value

Parameters:value (object) – Input object
Return type:str

Convert the input string into an interpreted value

Parameters:text (str) – Input string
Return type:Tuple[object,bool]
Returns:A tuple containing the resulting object and True if the string is valid
validate(inputText, pos)

Reimplemented from QIntValidator.validate.

Allow to provide an empty value.

  • inputText (str) – Text to validate
  • pos (int) – Position of the cursor

Module contents

Module providing gui util tools

class pyFAI.gui.utils.Event(width, height)

Bases: object

Dummy class for dummy things

__init__(width, height)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Try to set the figure fullscreen


Update a matplotlib figure with a Qt4 backend

Parameters:fig – pylab figure