Pixel splitting

This notebook demonstrates the layout of pixel in polar coordinates on a small detector (5x5 pixels) to demonstrate pixel splitting and pixel reorganisation.

In a second part, it displays the effect of the splitting scheme on 2D integration.

# %matplotlib widget
#For documentation purpose, `inline` is used to enforce the storage of the image in the notebook
%matplotlib inline
import time
import numpy
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
start_time = time.perf_counter()
import fabio
import pyFAI.test.utilstest
from pyFAI.gui import jupyter
import pyFAI, pyFAI.units
from pyFAI.detectors import Detector
from pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator import AzimuthalIntegrator
from pyFAI.ext import splitPixel
print(f"Tested with pyFAI version {pyFAI.version}")
Tested with pyFAI version 2023.1.0-dev0
# Define a dummy detector with 1mm pixel size
det = Detector(1e-3, 1e-3, max_shape=(5,5))
Detector Detector        Spline= None    PixelSize= 1.000e-03, 1.000e-03 m
def area4(a0, a1, b0, b1,c0,c1,d0,d1):
    Calculate the area of the ABCD polygon with 4 with corners:

    :return: area, i.e. 1/2 * (AC ^ BD)
    return 0.5 * (((c0 - a0) * (d1 - b1)) - ((c1 - a1) * (d0 - b0)))
# Example of code for spotting pixel on the azimuthal discontinuity: its area has not the same sign!

chiDiscAtPi = 1
pi = numpy.pi
two_pi = 2*numpy.pi

ai = AzimuthalIntegrator(1, 2.2e-3, 2.8e-3, rot3=-0.3, detector=det)
if chiDiscAtPi:

pos = ai.array_from_unit(typ="corner", unit="r_mm", scale=True)

a = []
s = 0
ss = 0
cnt = 0
for i0 in range(pos.shape[0]):
    for i1 in range(pos.shape[1]):
        p = pos[i0, i1].copy()
        area = area4(*p.ravel())
        area2 = None
        if area>=0:
            az = p[:, 1].copy()
            if chiDiscAtPi:
                m = numpy.where(az<0)
                m = numpy.where(az<pi)
            az[m] = two_pi + az[m]
            c1 = az.mean()
            if not chiDiscAtPi and c1>two_pi:
                az -= two_pi
            elif chiDiscAtPi and c1>pi:
                az -= two_pi

            print(f"Discontinuity for pixel centered at azimuth {c1}:")
            for x,y in zip(p,az):
                print(x, y)
            p[:, 1 ] = az
            area2 = area4(*p.ravel())
        print(i0, i1, area, area2)
0 0 -0.34348246455192566 None
0 1 -0.45259395241737366 None
0 2 -0.578589916229248 None
0 3 -0.5334692001342773 None
0 4 -0.4045378267765045 None
1 0 -0.41383373737335205 None
1 1 -0.6470319032669067 None
1 2 -1.1334359645843506 None
1 3 -0.8771651983261108 None
1 4 -0.5334692001342773 None
Discontinuity for pixel centered at azimuth 3.312952995300293:
[ 2.807134  -2.7702851] -2.7702851
[ 2.912044  -3.1198924] -3.1198924
[1.9697715 3.0233684] -3.2598171
[ 1.811077  -2.7309353] -2.7309353
2 0 3.0264618396759033 -0.4323282837867737
Discontinuity for pixel centered at azimuth 3.2295961380004883:
[ 1.811077  -2.7309353] -2.7309353
[1.9697715 3.0233684] -3.2598171
[1.1313709 2.6561944] -3.626991
[ 0.82462114 -2.596614  ] -2.596614
2 1 4.994504928588867 -0.7384508848190308
Discontinuity for pixel centered at azimuth 3.4415926933288574:
[ 0.82462114 -2.596614  ] -2.596614
[1.1313709 2.6561944] -3.626991
[0.82462114 1.6258177 ] -4.6573677
[ 0.28284273 -0.48539817] -0.4853983
2 2 1.7914260625839233 -0.8743038177490234
2 3 -1.1334359645843506 None
2 4 -0.578589916229248 None
Discontinuity for pixel centered at azimuth 2.9282779693603516:
[ 2.912044  -3.1198924] 3.1632931
[3.3286633 2.8702552] 2.8702552
[2.5455844 2.6561944] 2.6561944
[1.9697715 3.0233684] 3.0233684
3 0 3.8964836597442627 -0.3726010322570801
3 1 -0.5192623138427734 None
3 2 -0.7384505867958069 None
3 3 -0.6470320820808411 None
3 4 -0.45259395241737366 None
4 0 -0.30272746086120605 None
4 1 -0.37260088324546814 None
4 2 -0.4323280453681946 None
4 3 -0.4138337969779968 None
4 4 -0.34348249435424805 None
def display_geometry(pos):
    fig, ax = subplots()
    patches = []
    for i0 in range(pos.shape[0]):
        for i1 in range(pos.shape[1]):
            p = pos[i0, i1].astype("float64")
            splitPixel.recenter(p, chiDiscAtPi)
            p = numpy.concatenate((p, [p[0]]))
            ax.plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], "--")
            p = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.4)
    colors = numpy.linspace(0, 100, len(patches))#100 * numpy.random.rand(len(patches))
    if chiDiscAtPi:
        ax.plot([0,4], [-pi, -pi])
        ax.plot([0,4], [two_pi, two_pi])
    ax.plot([0,4], [pi, pi])
    ax.plot([0,4], [0, 0])
    ax.set_ylabel("Azimuthal angle (rad)")
    return ax
chiDiscAtPi = 0
unit = pyFAI.units.to_unit("r_mm")
ai = AzimuthalIntegrator(1, 2.2e-3, 2.8e-3, rot3=0.5, detector=det)
if chiDiscAtPi:
    low = -pi
    high = pi
    low = 0
    high = two_pi
pos = ai.array_from_unit(typ="corner", unit=unit, scale=True)

ax = display_geometry(pos)

over = 0
under = 0
for i0 in range(pos.shape[0]):
    for i1 in range(pos.shape[1]):
        p = pos[i0, i1].copy()
        area = area4(*p.ravel())
        area2 = None
        if area>=0:
            az = p[:, 1]
            if chiDiscAtPi:
                m = numpy.where(az<0)
                m = numpy.where(az<pi)
            az[m] = two_pi + az[m]
            c1 = az.mean()
            if not chiDiscAtPi and c1>two_pi:
                az -= two_pi
            elif chiDiscAtPi and c1>pi:
                az -= two_pi
            over += (az>high).sum()
            under += (az<low).sum()
#         p = numpy.concatenate((p, [p[0]]))
#         ax.plot(p[:,0], p[:,1], "-")
#         print(i0, i1, area)

print(f"under {low:.3f}: {under} \t Above {high:.3f}: {over}")
under 0.000: 1   Above 6.283: 3
chiDiscAtPi = 1
pi = numpy.pi
two_pi = 2*numpy.pi

ai = AzimuthalIntegrator(1, 2.2e-3, 2.8e-3, rot3=-0.4, detector=det)
if chiDiscAtPi:
    low = -pi
    high = pi
    low = 0
    high = two_pi

pos = ai.array_from_unit(typ="corner", unit="r_mm", scale=True)

_ = display_geometry(pos)
over = 0
under = 0
for i0 in range(pos.shape[0]):
    for i1 in range(pos.shape[1]):
        p = pos[i0, i1].copy()
        area = area4(*p.ravel())
        area2 = None
        if area>=0:
            az = p[:, 1]
            if chiDiscAtPi:
                m = numpy.where(az<0)
                m = numpy.where(az<pi)
            az[m] = two_pi + az[m]
            c1 = az.mean()
            if c1>high:
                az -= two_pi
            over += (az>high).sum()
            under += (az<low).sum()
#         print(i0, i1, area)

print(f"under {low:.3f}: {under} \t Above {high:.3f}: {over}")
under -3.142: 5          Above 3.142: 1

Effect of pixel splitting on 2D integration

img = pyFAI.test.utilstest.UtilsTest.getimage("Pilatus1M.edf")
fimg = fabio.open(img)
_ = jupyter.display(fimg.data)
# Focus on the beam stop holder ...
poni = pyFAI.test.utilstest.UtilsTest.getimage("Pilatus1M.poni")
ai = pyFAI.load(poni)
Detector Pilatus 1M      PixelSize= 1.720e-04, 1.720e-04 m
Wavelength= 1.000000e-10 m
SampleDetDist= 1.583231e+00 m   PONI= 3.341702e-02, 4.122778e-02 m      rot1=0.006487  rot2=0.007558  rot3=0.000000 rad
DirectBeamDist= 1583.310 mm     Center: x=179.981, y=263.859 pix        Tilt= 0.571° tiltPlanRotation= 130.640° 𝛌= 1.000Å
kwargs = {"data":fimg.data,
resn = ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("no", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
resb = ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("bbox", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
resp = ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("pseudo", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
resf = ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("full", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
fig,ax = subplots(2,2, figsize=(10,10))

jupyter.plot2d(resn, ax=ax[0,0])
jupyter.plot2d(resb, ax=ax[0,1])
jupyter.plot2d(resp, ax=ax[1,0])
jupyter.plot2d(resf, ax=ax[1,1])
# Compared performances for 2D integration ...
print("Without pixel splitting")
%timeit ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("no", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
print("Bounding box pixel splitting")
%timeit ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("bbox", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
print("Scalledd Bounding box pixel splitting")
%timeit ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("pseudo", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
print("Full pixel splitting")
%timeit ai.integrate2d_ng(method=("full", "histogram", "cython"), **kwargs)
Without pixel splitting
13.2 ms ± 85.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Bounding box pixel splitting
18.7 ms ± 97.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Scalledd Bounding box pixel splitting
35 ms ± 196 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
Full pixel splitting
109 ms ± 680 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)


This tutorial presents how pixels are located in polar space and explains why pixels on the azimuthal discontinuity requires special care. It also presents a comparison between the 4 pixel splitting schemes available in pyFAI: without splitting (no), along the bounding box (bbox), a scaled down bounding box (pseudo) and finally the splitting along the edges of each pixel (full). The corresponding runtimes are also provided.

print(f"runtime: {time.perf_counter()-start_time:.3f}s")
runtime: 40.187s